• Careful Listeners

    Welcome to Wasatch Auditory Processing! If you are reading this you are probably concerned that you or your child may have an auditory processing disorder. We can help!

    More About APD
Child Listening

Wasatch Auditory Processing

Auditory Processing is a term that describes how your brain recognizes and interprets sounds around you. Simply put it is what we do with what we hear. The ears hear the sound as loud as everyone else, but cannot make sense out of it. As we grow from an infant to an adult we learn how to decide what sounds we need to pay attention to and what sounds we can ignore. In the hot summer we learn to tune out the air conditioner and listen to the person talking to us. If a child has an auditory processing disorder they may have extreme difficulty listening to the teacher when there is other noise in the room because they cannot tune out the noise. Auditory processing deficits can interfere with learning how to pronounce sounds correctly, learning language, interfere with someone's ability to follow directions or understand stories told to them. It can also affect learning to read and spell. It can also be a mild problem or a severe problem.
[Read More About APD]

About Us:
Wasatch Auditory Processing opened its doors May 2013. It is a practice devoted to the evaluation of children and adults that have concern about their ability to process information. Often people with an auditory processing disorder (APD), sometimes referred to as Central Auditory Processing Disorder or CAPD, act as though they do not hear. Struggles with processing information can result in listening problems, academic problems, including reading or math as well as behavior struggles. APD can be diagnosed as young as three and a half years of age.